Stanwood Radio Ltd was an electrical retailer and television rental company, founded by Bernard Wood in 1946. The company was very successful, and at its peak in the 1960’s had over 60 shops across Essex, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, and Norfolk. The business was bought out in the 1970’s and became part of the Rumbelows chain.

I was thinking about shops from my youth that are no longer around, remembered Standwood, googled it and found this site. I grew up in Basildon in the 1960s/70s and remember the Standwood shop on Southernhay.
Hi dave , my grandad owned stanwood radio it was fantastic I miss him so much
Is ric wood Gerald’s 2nd wife’s son ?
Yes ric wood was Gerald’s 2nd wife her name was Sonia I believe his first wife was jean she had a daughter called Deborah & a son called Stephen wish I could contact them hey ric didn’t u have a brother as well ?
it was a fantastic family run business , Philips offered to buy us out , but my grandads greedy brothers ( directors ) I believe wanted more , I think it was about £5,000000 @ the time
I worked for Stanwood Radio in the 70s I was branch manager of the shop on the Heathway Dagenham branch number 83 I also ran for a time the other shop on the Heathway I think it was branch 2 they also had a motorcycle and bike shop on the Heathway Castle sports
Thanks for the comment David. I’ve heard from a few former staff members and customers with fond memories of the company. Its nice to know its still remembered all these years on!
My Dad, Frank Yates worked at the Staffa Road branch. I remember going to work with him on a Saturday and playing with a now ancient adding machine. We also used to holiday in a flat in Clacton above the Stanwoods when I was a child. I am assuming this was rented out to staff at a reduced rate, do you know how it worked?
Fond memories indeed, especially as my Dad has been Dead some 20 years.
Hi, my father Reg Allard was the manager of Stanwood Radio in Stowmarket for a while and I remember going to the flat in Clacton for a holiday. I was a Saturday girl in Woolworths office and it was my only childhood holiday. Never forgotten this holiday and the transistor radio father gave me that Christmas. Does anyone remember Reg? Liz
Hi Liz
I have an old portable Stanwood transistor radio I gave my Granny back in 1960s.
I’m retiring to Spain in November and have to clear out a lot of old stuff, was wondering if you knew of anybody who would be interested in buying it?
I remember Frank he was our storeman when I worked at Staffa Rd. Sorry to hear he passed away a long time ago.
Hi Ric,
I have some photo’s of members of staff who were fortunate to visit Germany as guests of AEG.
How can I make direct contact with you outside of the blog ?
Hi Joe. I went three times on those wonderful german trips and would be delighted to see some of the photos you took. Any chance you could e-mail some to me. You may also remember I was on one of your action centered leadership courses.
Hope you are keeping well. Kind regards and good memories.
Tom Savage
Hi Tom,
Just discovered this page.
Delighted to forward the photo’s.
I often think about the A.C.L course’s it was about us/
Please forward your email address you will have them by return.
Best wishes to you and you family.
Joe Fenn.
Hi I’m hoping that you are the Joe Fenn that I was with at the Romford store
I also worked at the Romford store for a while until I got my own branch
I also worked at the Romford store for a while until I got my own branch
Hello Richard
I have the fondest memories of your grandfather BG and the greatest respect for him as a boss and the company he created. If you are interested in any further history of stanwoods during the period late 50’s and 60’s then feel free to get in touch directly
Thank you for hat you have done here it is is a great blast from the past
Hi Tony, thanks for the comments. It sounds like it was a great place to work.
Kind regards,
Hi….I also worked for Stanwood in the 70′ and also Rumbelows after….My Stanwood branch was wood Street Walthamstow,my van was Bedford HA viva van reg HGN 510K…..I also did relief work at Chingford Mount, ldriving their Ford transit MLC963L….Great job,and thank you for the memories
Hi I worked in the Basildon shop as a cashier, George was the manager nice man would do anything to keep happy customers even give his home phone number so if a tv did not work they could ring him and he would take out a new one even Christmas day, they would and he did, his trade was sign writing. I moved on to the Billericay branch and had a spell at Radio Maintenace in Basildon where the main bus station was. It was from there they sent me to London for a 4 day course at E M I lovely experiance that was, still have all the course paper work. I went back to Billericay 2 years ago the shop is now Waitrose. Also went back to Basildon what a change from the 1964 plus,years since I was there. However have some lovely memories. Best wishes to all who remember Stanwood Radio Sylvia
Hi Sylvia,
I have some photo’s of George in Germany with some of us ” lads” as guest’s of AEG.
Love to share them with you.
Hi Joe. I’m one of ‘the lads’ that went to Germany with AEG (three times), and I also attended one of your Action Centered Leadership course. I’d love to see the photos you have to bring back old memories.
Best wishes
Tom Savage
I was an apprentice radio & tv engineer at Stanwood Radio Ltd, Staffa Road, Leyton from 1965 to 1971. I remember the time I spent there with great fondness. I still repair TV’s but they are a bit different to the old 405 line monochrome sets I worked on in those days. It was great to see the old Logo again, I haven’t seen that in many years. Good luck on your new venture, if you are going to try to sell tv’s you are going to need it in these hard times.
Best wishes
Peter Norris
Hello again,
Just found these photos, I don’t know if you have seen them yet.
I thought you might be interested.
Hello Peter, thanks for leaving the comments. It’s always great to hear from people with such fond memories of the company, and I’m constantly surprised by how many of you there are out there! The photos are actually some of my dads old snaps, I scanned them in and put them on flickr a year or two back. We’ve had a few people contact us through them too.
As for selling TV’s, yes your absolutely right, its a very cut throat game these days. After I left school I spent a few years working for Bennetts, they went into administration last year and have since been bought up by Hughes. I think the plan is to specialise in the radio market for now, and have some fun with the brand. We already sell a lot of radio equipment through our marine chandlery business so it will be pretty straight forward for us to move into this area.
Thanks again for commenting, its always a pleasure to hear about the old business and the people who worked there.
Richard Wood
Hello again Richard.
Thanks for the reply.
I didn’t expect you to reply so quickly.
Looking through your photos reminded what my father used to say, that he used to play snooker or billiards with your Gradfather Bernard (Bunny) in one of the arches under the station in Midland Road Leyton. Also the photo with the Thames van parked outside the shop reminds me of some of the old vans I had to drive. Bedford Dormobiles with sliding doors that regularly fell of if you pulled them too fast, they also only had a drivers seat, so if you were a passenger you sat on one of the Tv’s that we were delivering. It wouldn’t be allowed today.
The Good old days.
Hello Peter, yes, he was a keen snooker player. We still have a couple of medals he won playing at the club.
hello Richard,
Wow this took me back,I started work at Waltham cross,branch 35,in 1967 as a shop boy on £7.00 for a 46 hour week.In my 6 years working for Stanwoods I progressed to manage Tramway avenue Edmonton,formerly Superb radios,and Cheshunt ,branch 54 which was my home town.I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Stanwoods actually married my cashier at Cheshunt, something of a tradition.I only met your grandfather,BG as we called him a couple of times and was impressed that he found time for even the the youngest of his employees.
Best wishes Albert Davison
I remember you and Tony Strong and Terry. I was the Manager at Cheshunt from around 67 to 69 before going to Hoddesdon. You guys were all clones of Tony with waste coats and fob watches. What a character Tony was! Peter Sale took over I left and then we started a business together.
Hi Dave, my name is Bob Day I started with you in 1968 as a shop boy I was about 16 straight from school, I left to work at Dr Shepards in Enfield the when I past my driving test Tony Strong offered me a job as driver taking over from Richard, Albert Davison and Ken Ship was there then and I drove a brand new transit I then moved to Hoddesdon as a driver, had some good times at Stanwood “happy days”
I last wrote on the 14 October 2015 and time goes fast so what about a Stanwood reunion say March 2017 in the Waltham Cross or Cheshunt area?
I smiled to read some of the comments like Albert got married from the cheshunt branch, and remembered Bobs surname was Day and Ken surname was Ship, but still can’t remember the manager at Cheshunt who had a mini van that Tony Strong who (used to live upstairs) used to leave in a cloud of smoke in his yellow 1275s, yes the good old days.
I also remember someone called Jim East or was it West who recently got married, and Davy Jones from Arnos Grove and Eve and Roger the engineer (Mr 405) from Palmers Green, and a chap called Alex who was the ass. manager to Tony at the cross.
I made a mistake on my first email in that it was NOT Mr Philips that sacked me but Peter Fowles and Don Letts as I was rude to them when they got Tony Strong dismissed from the cross.
Well who is up for it as still I’m local and not seen anyone for many many years….
Hello peter
This is a blast from the past – I am now in me 86th year and living in New Zealand
I found this Stanwood site a few years ago and haven’t looked at it for a while – was pottering around and thought bloody hell its Peter Tasker – I remember you well – particularly the birthday card to Don Letts that everyone thought was from me.
My memories of Stanwoods are still so clear and so varied – probably the greatest independent radio and tv outfit in the country at any time – and BG the greatest boss that any bloke worth his salt could ever want have.
I probably wouldn’t have come to a re-union but would like to hear from you
Hello Peter, this is Eve from the Palmers Green branch.
Hope you are still reading this page. I’ve only just found it. Glad you remember me. I remember you in your cool green 3 piece suit with flares! You were fun to work with. I remember you hid in a fridge freezer box to creep up behind me to scare me when I got back from lunch, but it was a hot day. I was outside talking to someone too long and you nearly suffocated. I could hear you shuffling and gasping.
Phil Philips was the manager who employed me. I liked him, and he taught me how to repair electrical things at quiet times. The driver salesman then was called Fred. Ken Shipp was nice too (despite his Alan Ladd impressions), and John Wilson who came in on Saturdays. Some exhaustingly busy Saturdays in my about five and a half years there we ended up in the pub instead of going home.
I got to see the 1966 World Cup Final in colour too. No customers came in that day.
Stanwoods was not the best paid or most challenging job I ever had, but gave me my happiest working days and best memories.
Hi Dave. What are you doing now. We are retired and live in Norfolk.
Hi Albert, I’m Bob Day can you remember me I started at Waltham Cross branch 35 as a driver, Tony Strong was Manager and you and Richard were salesman I can remember Ken Ship I also worked at Cheshunt and Hoddesdon as a driver, good times
When I was at school I used to do ‘van spotting’ of any Stanwood Radio vehicles I saw – and there were a great many around Woodford. There was a workshop in New Wanstead with a slope outside where the vans parked. At the time there was a mystique about TV for me that made it seem innovative and exciting.
Stanwood Radio provided the PA system at my school’s ‘Speech Day’ and we rented my then favourite brand of TV (‘Pye’) from them.
How did they train their TV engineers and was a high degree of expertise necessary to repair valve sets? Can you list the shop and workshop locations at their peak?
I’ve just been chatting to Roger Sowden, who has kindly sent me some photos of his days at Stanwood’s. I’ve set up a photo page with these, and some other photos we have, so all can have a look.
Photo Page
If you have some photos that you would like to share please get in touch, I’ll be happy to add them to the collection.
Richard Wood
Dear Richard are you Gerald Wood son. If so would love to hear from you. Gerald and I started a company called Bunnywoods. Gerard was my best friend. And I still miss him I would love to hear from you. We now live in Norfolk.
Hello Peter, we remember you and Gill well! It would be great to hear from you, you can find me at
Hello Peter, you may remember me, Peter Ridgwell, i worked for Stanwoods in Saffron Walden when Ken Curtis was manager, you were manager at Bishops Stortford when i first joined. When you started Bunnywoods with Gerald i came to work for you and again Ken was manager. Hope you remember me, i’de like to hear from you.
Hi Peter yes remember you at Saffron Walden with Ken and Joyce. Great days. We are now retired and live in Norfolk. We have 3children and 8 grandchildren. Hope you are keeping well
Hello Peter, i’me really pleased to hear from you , glad to hear you are both well and enjoying retirement. you’ve beat me with the grand chidren we,ve got four. I had a small shop & workshop in Saffron Walden until about 10 years ago when it became impossible to make a living repairing tv’s. I called it a day last year, i must have been the oldest TV engineer in the country. Josie & me are quite well. Hope to hear from you again.
Hello Peter, i,me really glad to hear from you, yes we are both well, apart from the odd problem relating to age. I had a small worshop in Saffron Walden and called it a day last year , i must have been the oldest TV engineer in the country. We have 2 children & 4 grandchildren, The oldest will be 29 this year, probably about the same age as we were when i first met you. They were good days and i would’nt mind living them again. hope to hear from you again.
Hi Peter, Trust you and your family are in good health.
I found this site whilst attempting to locate photo’s of Martin Pereira for his widow.
It is super to travel down memory lane from when I started part time at Stratford with Bob and Ivy Nickels.
I have a few photographs of our visit to Germany – courtesy of A.E.G, delighted to share.
Hi I worked for Stanwoods from about 1967 to 1976, I started at Staffa Road and subsequently at Wanstead Branch, I then joined ‘The Met’ as a Communications Officer. I must admit I still think quite a lot about the Stanwood day as the were very good until Rumbelows took them over when it went downhill rapidly.
I am still in touch with several ex members – Mick Davis, Tom Crane, Keith Clements and Steve Smith.
I also worked with Pete Norris at Staffa Road
Thanks for the pictures (link to flickr)
My Dad worked at Staffa Road off Leabridge Road I think. Frank Yates, do you remember him? Unfortunately he died about 20 years ago but have fond memories of going to work with him on a Saturday and playing with an adding machine.
Hello Gill. I was at Staffa Rd when your Dad was there. He was the storeman and a great joker. Sorry to hear he is no longer here. I seem to remember he was a heavy smoker, as he would send me to get his cigarettes.
Hi Peter
Would you have worked at Loughton with Jack Hale as manager, if so I think I was your apprentice.
Hello Dave. No I never worked at Loughton, I was only at Staffa Rd. I think we may have gone to East Ham Tech. together though. I was an
apprentice from 1965-71
My dad John cranham worked at Loughton an stortford I remember the smell of the workshop above Loughton shop ,
i worked for Rumbelows at the time of the take over and sat in on a few of the interviews with a guy called Hilton Turton.i remember the interview with Tom Crane who joined Rumbelows as i think an ASM he was always on the ball and i enjoyed the time i spent with him-a genuine guy.the only thing i have never forgiven for was taking my number two Mark Harding who went to work in Harold Hill.
These were great days in the radio and tv service industry
Do you remember the address of the Wanstead Branch location?
The TV service department was in Voluntary Place E11
It’s gone now, housing.
Hi My name is David, my Dad started in Stanwood’s in Wickford about 1963 or 1964 Got his Brand new shop in Corringham (New town) in Easter 1965. and we lived above the shop in a brand ‘new’ maisonette, until about 1970. when it was being taken over by Rumberlows and we had to ‘get out’! Tough times, but great memories. Being the only TV and radio shop in the area, most people new us. As I say, Great times.
I bought my first records at Stanwoods in West Street, Rochford in 1961/2.
At the back of the electrical store was a small record department with 2 standing listening booths. At that time we borrowed a record player before buying a Defiant model at the Co-op store in Southend.
Those first records were precious as had to save hard earned pocket money. I still have a Stanwoods record paper bag.
The record department was short lived and soon disappeared and as mentioned the store was taken over by Rumbleows before finally closing. The site has now been redeveloped.
My Dad managed Rochfords branch and my daily treat was a record of my choice played before going to school. Rosemary was the lady who worked in there and poor soul babysat for us three horrors. My Dad loved his job and there was’nt anything he wouldn’t have a bash at mending
I worked for Stanwood Radio South Street Romford after leaving school in 1962 first as a shop boy / junior salesman, then as a driver salesman before going to Hainault as an Assistant manger. Finally Woodford Green as manager. Lots of great memories and lots of life skills as they sent me on all sorts of short courses.
Hello Alan, would your surname be Skingley ? During the period I was the manager at the South St, Branch I was very fortunate in being surrounded by a great team of people. The success we achieved was due to everyone not just one person. Perhaps I’m guilty of failing to recognize then as I do now their efforts to be the best.
I’m desperately trying to recall the names. “Steve Donoghue readily comes to mind, I literally bumped into him last year in Romford. Dave who joined the Royal Navy as a boy entrant. During his service, on one occasion was the button boy who stood on the top of the mast – not for me. Bill Bridges, was late for work, when I asked why he his reply was – ” my wife had laddered her tights, she wouldn’t go to work unless I went out and purchased a new pair for her” .
John Andrews resigned to work at Ford’s . He returned to us as he found the influence of the unions not to his liking. Later on John married his young lady and sailed to Africa to start a new life . Then there was “Chip” so called because – like me – was vertically challenged. The name of Kitchener springs to mind, his brother was a professional footballer during that period . Martin, who was the salesman who had a crush on Ray Conniff ? He talked me into allowing him to play the music, he had prerecorded. Like most things too much of the same thing – almost – can be boring. I cannot over look the support and guidance of Bob Nickels our area manager .
I would appreciate any of your recollections of that time.
As I recall your sister had a horse !
Hi All
I worked for Steve Donoghue at Chingford shop in 1976, great guy, proper gent. He went on to run the training school at Loughton. Glad to hear he’s ok.
Really enjoyed my time at Stanwoods & Rumbelows, made lots of good friends, Keith Holland, Bob Poole, Chris Greenfield, Brian Mardell, Tino Dariba, and I also married the cashier!
I have just recieved a Heritage Certificate for my 19-1-1962 Jaguar it says that it was supplied by Bent and Marshall to Sherwood Radio Leyton London Ltd.
It gives Chassis number body number engine and Transmission Numbers, these all match my car however it also gives the exterior as Opalescent Dark Blue and Interior trim as Light Blue. My car is Carmen Red with Black trim edged with Red.
The original Registration Number was ADC 675A but was changed in 1992 to SSK 675
The car looks lovely and still performs well.
I wondered if some of you could shed any further light on the cars history any snaps of its previous life would be great.
Bob Perks
Futher to my enq I forgot to say that it is a Jaguar Mark 2 3.8 saloon
Regards Bob Perks
I worked at the Hornchurch (Essex) branch as a radio and TV engineer.
We had about 6 guys in the workshop at the rear of the main high street shop.
There were also about 10 field engineers servicng the local area.
We all learnt a lot about many different brands of radio and tv’s.
Fantastic atmosphere as we were all keen to learn the new models .
i remember we had a “speacial” room that was reserved for colour tv only.
We were not allowed access untill we had passed the necessary exams.
All sorts of radio and tv kit was repaired in our workshop.
Every repair had a worksheet (Job Card) on which we would list the work done.
This was the most exiting time in my life as I learnt so much working with these guys.
Sad to say the industry is no longer what it was then and all of the skills and knowledge are no longer needed in the “progressive” world in which we now live.
I went onto become a repsected self employed radio and tv engineer for over 40 years but I still remember the happy times working at Stanwoods all those years ago.
Howard King
I just about remember the workshop in Hornchurch as I sometimes, when I was on holiday from school, helped my father who was a field engineer based there until Rumbelows took over and moved everyone to Bryant Avenue. And yes, I’ve been in that same Wimpy fairly recently!
Sadly he died a few years ago or doubtless he would be able to pass on his own memories of those days.
Hi Howard. I worked at Stanwoods for a few years until I emigrated to Australia in 1972. I was at Gidea Park shop with Graham Anderson and remember the crazy colour TV days. Used to come to the service dept at the back of the Hornchurch shop. ( think the shop manager was called Howard too.) Remember Tom Crane think he was the workshop manager. One of the girls at the counter was Sue. Great days and good to read from others who worked at Stanwoods. Bert Hallet was another name I remember.
Dave Harrison
Hornchurch ceased to be in Essex in 1965.
Hi, I was one of the guys who dropped off the TVs for repair at Hornchurch. I worked on the Romford South Street branch from 1962 when I left school until (I think) 1965 when I became assistant manager of the Hainault Branch. I left Stanwoods in 1968 just before I got married. They were fun years, Stanwoods taught me a lot and sent me on lots of courses. We used to go out to install colour TVs armed with a big stealing wheel magnet for degaussing any metal objects anywhere near the TV so the the colours didn’t bleed. I installed one of the first reel to reel video recorders that had to be hard wired into the back of the TV and one of the first battery TVs. I delivered th battery TV to the Chipperfields (circus folk) and left in running on a table beside their swimming pool. To this day I can still remember the registration number of the new Commer van I was given to drive in 1964 AUL 892B. It had sliding doors and we drove every where with the doors wide open, how cool is that!
Thanks Howard for reawakening old memories
Alan Gates.
Hello Alan,
I do remember the name. Rather belatedly thank you for all the support you gave to me in making the Branch a success.
Best wishes Joe.
Hi all I started off as a shop boy at the Hoddesdon Branch no 98 and loved it. After a year i transfered upstairs to do my apprentiship as a t/v engineer. I could name a load of names if your interested. I stayed on when Rumbelows took over and when they shut us down I transferred to the new Service Dept at Pig Lane Thorley, Bishops Stortford. I had such a great time and worked with some brilliant engineers. How lucky was I. Hope this was of interest to you. Regards Peter Archer.
Hi Peter,
Your name is familiar,
I too worked at the Hoddesdon branch for just 1 year from 1969-1970 after I finished my apprenticeship at Marsdens in Waltham cross.
Not sure what years you were there but I do recall a young lad joining us so it may well be you?
Did you play in a band? As the young chap I am thinking of played in his band at my wedding in Jan 1971.
You may recall Rob Matthews as well who I am still in touch with, and lives in Kent.
Stanwood Radio was the last of what I call the traditional shops and though I was only there for a year I have fond memories of the place and the nice new workshop upstairs. Reg Lye I think was a technical guru who was also there from time to time.
Cannot recall the service managers name now, short balding chap who I think came from the Tramway ave shop to Hoddesdon and lived in the town too, as I do still.
Moved from Hoddesdon branch to Granada TV which was a culture shock and wasted some 20+ years of my kife there. Ended up running my own business dealing with schools (still at it now).
I can picture some of the Hoddesdon staff but the names elude me now. I recall one of the engineers was a keen amateur oprea singer?
Think that was Peter Granger. Alleged to have had a thing for Mandy’s mum.
Love that 45 year old gossip!
Hi Alan
Thanks for the reminder.
Such great days were had by one and all when were working for Stanwoods.
I can remember a few names from the Hornchurch branch (spellings may not be correct)
Here go …..
Tom Crane (the boss)
Laurie lay
Dennis Skelton
Chris Reed
Dave Sims (from USA)
Roger who used to work on the colour TV’s in that “special” room Lol .
A guy called Albert came over from Australia to leran all about our PAL-D colour TV system. I got to know him pretty well he was mad about cricket !!
The old boy in the stores. I think he had the top of his thumb missing but such a charator he was. Another guy we use to call Gordon Crunch he was a field engineer alongside Albert.
In those days we all had total respect for each other and we all learnt from each other the interest from what we did was amazing. I used to stay late some nights just to picjk up more experience from working on some real hard to find faults.
I certanly remember the old delivery vans and the bright sign writning on them. I think it fair to say we were all proud to have worked for Stanwoods. As it is I don’t live too far away from the old Hornchurch branch and often walk past where the original shop was located dead opposite the Wmpey Bar ( very useful.)
Respect to all the Guys who worked at Stanwoods especially those at the Hornchurch branch.
I certainly remember Tom Crane and the old boy with the top of his thumb missing, if I remember rightly he was a TV engineer rather than a storeman and ripped the top off his thumb on the chassis of a TV after getting a shock from the EHT. Do you remember Chip the aerial rigger who got run over after leaping from his van to escape from a wasp?
I worked for your father Gerald and Peter Foulkes in the early 1970’s when they had started ‘Bunnywoods’ in competition to ‘Stanwoods’. Apparently ‘Bunny’ was your father’s nickname!
I began at the Elm Park Branch and can vividly remember the panic when your father’s Mercedes convertible drew up outside and they both got out to visit the shop!
I also worked at a number of the branches including Tiptree, Billericay, Hornchurch and Brentwood that had a workshop behind it for brown goods repairs and was run by a guy called John Demayne (or similar). Also used to go to the HO in Duke Street Chelmsford.
I stayed through the takeover by Bert Baker and George Cockling (B&C Electronics) who had employed a couple of young ambitious brothers called Ray and Roy Bostock? These guys helped Bert and George to start Trend Electrical, which went on to consume the Bunnywoods business around 1975?
Had a great time working for your Dad and Peter. There was also a really nice married couple doing their administration whose names I cannot remember but also used to visit the shops and check the stock-takes etc. So it was very much a family atmosphere in those early days, except when HO used to ring all the branches on a Saturday evening for details of the week’s takings. If you had had a really bad week you received a severe reprimand for not trying hard enough from Peter!
Andy Bennett
Hello Andy, i don’t know if we ever met , i worked for Bunnywoods when Gerald and Peter started the company & stayed with them for about 2 years.
I was at the Saffron Walden branch & was the only engineer there, Ken Curtis was the shop manager, his wife worked along side him. Occasionally Adrian came to help . Someone told me that Peter had a shop in Maldon but i hav’nt been there to see yet. I enjoyed all my time at Bunnywoods.
Hello i worked for Stanwoods in about 63/4/5 at the warehouse (it’s still there) in Bryant Avenue Gidea Park Romford with my college Collin Hills delivering to all the stores the manager there i think was Brian, there was a large office on the second floor that went out on legs over the car park at the front of the warehouse where Mr Wood and Gerald Wood worked so i saw them most days, i often went to the workshop at Hornchurch and had a free holiday at the flat in Clacton, i also went to Mr Woods house on one occasion i think it was in Loughton to pick up a kennel that Mr Wood had made for one of our two guard dogs, Mrs Wood took great pleasure in showing me around the downstairs and the lovely green carpet they had just had fitted to the hall and stairs she was a lovely Lady. At that time Stanwoods took over i think seven Rumbelows shops in the Suffolk and Norfolk areas sadly i lost touch when i left and did not know that Stanwoods had sold out to Rumbelows and then went down with them that was a great shame, i do remember one of our guard dogs bitting a delivery driver it was very funny how it happend (not very funny for him though) and Collin having a accided with a car when he was at the main offices only to find out the driver was Mrs Gerald Wood (what’s the chance of that happening?)she very graciously said it was her fault, i remember Mr Wood winning a Mini car in a promotion run by A.E.G he sold the car to Brian at a discount then there was the loverly Xmas dinner put on by Mr Wood for all the Stanwood staff, i remember only good times and never heard anyone complaining, i will look in on the website from time to time so thank you for the good times and the memories and i wish all the best to the Woods families. Albert
You are correct. The manager at Bryant Road Warehouse was Brian Worth.
His wife – Maureen – was Tom Crane’s cousin.
If my memory serves me correctly, our Xmas Dinner was at the James Hawkey Hall in Woodford.
Happy day’s.
Hi Everyone
i also remember the Bunnywoods shop as it was just around the corner from the main Stanwoods shop in Hornchurch high street. As I said in my other posting it was a great company to work for. In our Hornchurch workshop we had many good times and the working enviroment was fantastic. We would often nip across the road to the Wimpey bar for dinner (opposite our shop). Some names that I can remember are as follows :-
Tom Crane, Dennis Skelton, Gordon Chrunch, Albert from Australia, Chris Reed etc.
So sad that it all ended ………….probally one of the best times I ever had in my Radio and TV engineering days. If anyone else worked at Hornchurch and would like to play catch up then I am always willing to listen. I now live in the Brentwood area not that far away from Hornchurch.
Take care old friends
Howard King
Bent-Marshall’s was the car showroom & petrol garage opposite Stanwood Radio in Leyton High Road. Wasn’t this the first Stanwood shop? Charlie Bent-Marshall ran the garage and competed for a few years in the Monte-Carlo rally I’m Minis. I am still in contact with his brother, John Bent-Marshall. My Dad ran Glover Bros/Bywaters from behind Bent-Marshall’s garage until 1983, when we moved to Auckland Road, Leyton – now Gateway Road. We lived in Forest Drive West and our tellies, radios, record players and records were bought by my Dad from Stanwoods. My Dad knew the “Boss” and would call in after work on a Saturday for a chat and, if we were lucky, he would bring home a record! A couple of doors away from Stanwoods towards Bakers Arms was Morry Billers small sweet shop. Things were very tight financially and he frequently had “run-out” of what you wanted! Located at Leyton Green was “Leytonia”, Stanwoods local competitor. That family also lived in Forest Drive West. These were the days of Golden Esso Extra and Esso Tiger tails and I seem to remember petrol at one shilling and nine pence per gallon, that us less than nine pence per gal long in modern money. Now it is over £5.00 per gallon. At the time I attended Canterbury Road Junior School, now Barclay Junior. Happy days.
My dad worked for Leytonia in the mid 1950’s in Leyton, do you know what date they opened the Harlow branch?
Good grief !! what a blast from the past
I was just scanning some old b/w negative and came across some wedding photo’s of Chris & Doris Reed that I had taken, which brought back memories of my days working at Hornchurch workshop 1968 ~ 1972 ,under the command of Top Cat, Mr Crane if in ear shot . I had little morri minor van to start with, progressing to an estate car with removable side widow adverts ,that was posh , I still remember all the names mentioned by Howard , they were my great mentors, please give my regards to any that you are still in contact with. Is anybody still working or is it just me ??
I have been self employed since 1981 and still repairing , run a small workshop based in Great Bentley Essex
Ken Porter
PS : If Chris would like his wedding photo’s [ all be a bit late ] let me know
Hi Ken, i’m still working, I now repair aircraft electronics in Rayleigh Essex. Due to retire in August but i’m having fun doing this job so will continue until I drop or they chuck me out.
I did my apprenticeship at Wanstead and then Barking in Essex, I can remember some of the names from that time ” but possibly not the correct spellings” Mr Withy, Tom Crane, Robin Yasoumis, Keith Seagert, John McKeever, I can even remember the number plate of the fastest Bedford van MHM831D. Can anyone remember the name of a manager at the Wanstead workshop? it was Dave ……? there was also an old engineer George ….? its driving me mad trying to remember
I have remembered the name now, it was David Cobden, there was also a John Flowers.
I was with Stanwoods & Rumbelows for 14 years, so I found all the comments really, really interesting. Looking forward to some more.
I worked for Stanwoods in the early 70’s as an apprentice tv engineer in the workshop above the shop .
Dave Hewitt was one name I remember from the shop .
work shop names I remember are Peter Archer ,John , Reg ,two Peters , Errol
And what about me, Dave White, Mandy here, wondered where you had got to. Pete and I live in Hunstanton now, so much to catch up on. Find us on Facebook Backtrack Archer Davey xx
hello Mandy how are you and peter
what are you doing up there ?
I live even further up than you on the coast in Mablethorpe
off out at the mo so catch up soon
I’m on facebook as Cakey White
Hi Dave,
Nice to hear from you gain!
Good to be reminded of Errol who drove a Ford with slightly different letter or number on front and back of his Capri.
What was the storemans name who wore glasses and had what would now be a classic Vauxhall Velox, we used to take the mickey out of him becuase he did not always know what certian components were!
You and I worked at Marsdens and I am not sure of the time lines here. I know you left Marsdens in the late 60’s, did you go straight to Hoddesdon shop?
You may recall Rob Mattews who laso worked in Hoddesdon. He lives in Kent and were still in touch.
Are you still fishing and living in Cheshunt?
I am still working dealing with schools only now, and still live in Hoddesdon.
Dave I can see you have now moved.
hi Reg only just seen his sorry
I went to Rumbelows first just for a week , all they would let me do is sweep the floor and make the tea and they told me to cut off my stevie marriot hair cut or go so I went to Stanwoods
STANWOOD 6 TRANSISTOR POCKET RADIO for sale if anyone is interested.
Thank you, I didn’t know they were even a thing till you posted that. I shall purchase one ASAP!
Any body remember Ron Perry who worked for Rumbelows who sadly passed away aged 94 about a week ago.I was the service manager at Concorde House Luton and Ron was an area manager based behind the Rumbelows shop in Dunstable Road Luton.
Ron’s Funeral is taking place at Newport Pagnell on the 20th of October 2016.
Piccie of the transistor radio please
I was known as ‘Mick Brown’ and was the driver salesman at the Barking, Essex branch for the manager Stan Scott and his wife, Rose. The engineers worked at the rear of the shop and I made good friends with Geoff Dancer.
I transferred to the Upton Park, London branch working for the manager Cliff (can’t remember his surname) and then the new manager Alec Newman, along with my friend Mick Miles.
I also took advantage of their ‘holiday’ flat above the Clacton-on-Sea, Essex branch, free of charge, just putting money into the electric meter.
Happy Days!
I also received a brand new Ford Escort van, Index No. HYW 9N
Alec Newman was my Dad; happy memories of Stanwoods and Rumbelows. Got lots of kitchen items in my home, remnants of ‘prizes’ my Dad won. Remember his trips to Germany too!
Hello Karen,
Recently found this site. I remember your Dad very clearly. He was the manager at the Chingford Branch – very successful.
I have a photo of him when we visited Holland. Yes we did visit that particular area in Amsterdam – during daylight hours – but everyone was present that evening for dinner !!!!!!!!
Please contact me for that photo.
Best wishes .
hi reg only just seen this sorry
I went to rumbelows for one week but all they wanted was a tea boy and sweep the floor they then told me to cut off my stevie marriot haircut or go so I went .
I worked for Stanwoods in the late 60’s. at the Saffron walden branch. The names i remember are, Ken Curtis, Jack Hale , Tom Crane service supervisers. Myselfe, Steve Banks, Roger cornwell, Ken Potts, Tony West, engineers. Occasionally we had a visit from Ron Whithy. I left when Peter Foulks & Gerald Wood started Bunnywoods & worked for them for about 2years. Good times, good memories.
Hi Peter, as you know I went to work for Stanwood’s as a team with you to do the aerials and delivery’s, we did that for a time before you continued as a T/V engineer and I went into the workshop with Gerald Thompson, we worked for them together, with ken Curtis as the manager, his Dad, Paul Hayden, Eric Potts, Jamie Hay, and the others you mention, It was a good company to work for, we serviced as branch 41a (I think) under Jack Hale as the service manager, nice man, Bishops Stortford (96), Saffron Walden (82) and Haverhill (Can’t remember the branch number) I think we had about 7 Engineers plus a domestic chap, Ken Baker he was followed by a chap from Hundon, I can’t think of his name at the moment!
Steve Banks
I curate the British Record Shop Archive I found a record with a Stanwoods sticker. I’ve added two shops mentioned here where records where brought. I would be interested in the record shop bag mentioned here by Chris Jones. I used your test if that is Ik but I’ve added links to your site and to the filcker image page.
Hi my dad is Roger Cornwell – he’s retired now. Perhaps you guys should set up a facebook group – that would be good.
Hello Shaun, i would really like to hear from Roger , i last saw him about 15 years ago when he called in to my workshop, i moved before he called again & although i left my address with the new owners we never met again. Roger was also responsible for getting me a job with Rumbelows in the 1970’s. Tell him i am still in the T.V. business –just.
Hi, found this site by chance. I worked for Rumbelows (Dagenham, Upton Park, Forest Gate, Harold Hill etc) between 1969 and 1990. The names I have read have brought back so many memories including Tom Crane, Mike Powdrill, Jack Hale, H B Turton, Chris Read, Mick Davis and so on. I left Rumbelows and went into the Domestic Appliance Insurance business and recently ‘retired’ after 26 years, reaching the position of Claims Processing manager for UK Europe & Australasia. Working at Rumbelows gave me the background and technical knowledge for that role.
Happy carefree days at Rumbelows
Peter you can contact him at roger dot cornwell at sky dot com. He lives in Grays, Essex, so not sure how far that is from you.
Kind Regards,
I have come across an episode of “On The Buses”. I’ve taken a still from it as it has a long Stanwood Radio advert on the side.
If you want this for your photo collection just let me know. I can’t see a way to upload it direct.
Regards all
Hi Peter, that would be great to have thank you. You can try pasting it into the comments, if not I’ll come up with anther way.
I’ve noticed a few episodes of on the buses that show the Stanwood advert, Stanwoods must have been doing pretty well at that time.
I worked at the Basildon branch in 1972 as van driver/salesman. Managers name was Clive but the mists of time blank out other colleagues. Managed to get my first speeding ticket in my lovely Transit van and even a compliment from the police officer that “did” me. He was amazed at the speed I negotiated the roundabouts on the A127 Arterial Road znd kept it on the road. Yes taking ex rental sets back to Wanstead was a great day out. I remember meeting Heinz from the Telstars at the Rayleigh branch as well, although it was a disappointment that he had brown hair.
Hi, A very short precise form me:-
I worked my way from shop boy to manager in the 1960’s and 70’s. Driving to all sorts of branches East London to pick up stock. I started off at Shenfield, (very affluent area) my manager then was Bob ?. A lady called Vi was cashier. I then went to Brentwood, transferred to Rayleigh, Basildon, worked as manager of two shops in Westcliff on Sea. The last being the one almost opposite Palace Theatre. Oh those days of Stanwood taught me so much.
Hi Terry remember the main reason for taking the drivers job was so you could use the van at night. I also started in the Shenfield shop as a Saturday driver before joining full time. I worked for Alec Newman and Mike Foster two really good guys. Progressed to manager in Westcliff as company was taken over by Rumbelows. Worked for them for 12 years. Ran Harold Hill LDC and then on to ASM, before joining Adidas a year before the company crashed. Matter of interest I also used the holiday flat in Clacton in February 74 as honeymoon night not the warmest place in winter. But the shop staff were brilliant put electric blanket on and extra heating, a night to remember. Memories eh.
Hi, I was at Staffa Road then at Wanstead, I just had an upsetting phone call, Tom Crane has been ill for a while, he had cancer, unfortunately the chemotherapy didn’t agree with him and he had to stop taking it, he has passed away, I don’t know any more at present but I should hear more tomorrow (19th October 2018) his Wife Yvonne is also in hospital, I believe she has had a stroke.
Hi, I still have no more news about Tom, every time the phone rings I expect something, but as far as I know Yvonne is still very ill.
As soon as I here anything I will inform you.
Norman, Im so sorry to hear that news. As soon as you know of any arrangements could you let me know. I live near Coventry but will drop everything to come down and help give Tom the respectful send off that he deserves. 07956399947
Hi Mike and everyone else, No further new at the moment, I did get this message from Mick (Davis);
“I am still shocked as well about Tom. Later in the day Yvonne called me. She did not know that Maureen had told me. She had a bad signal plus she was in tears and I could hardly understand what she was saying. I told he if she needed anything to ring me. Yvonne called from hospital. She is in there but dont know why.”
So I am not too sure.
Rest in peace Tom, thanks for everything you did to help me in my career.
Has anyone seen or heard of Jack Hale in recent times, he managed the Loughton Branch .
Hi all, A further update about Tom, another ex-Stanwood friend just telephoned me to say, he just had a call from Tom’s family saying that Tom’s funeral had taken place, they forgot to let anyone apart from family know, we don’t now when or where or whether he was buried or cremated. Yvonne is still in hospital as far as we know.
Peter Ridgwell asked about Jack Hale all I know is that before Tom passed he did look after Jack for a while but then Jack lost touch and Tom was unable to contact Jack or his son. He (Jack) was my boss for a while at Wanstead workshop
Hi Norman, I had a call from Roger Cornwall late October. Toms funeral was to be held on 9 November at Bentley Crem. I was able to attend and met up with some other former Rumbelows service managers such as Mark Harding, Mike Powdrill & Vince Roe. I didn’t recognise or meet up with any other former Rumbelows or Stanwoods/Stones staff at the funeral although Ray Gardner had hoped to be able to attend.
At the beginning of December I met up with some former engineers at a pub in Walthamstow (Charlie Hodge, Eli and Semhi) for a little ‘reunion’. I understand that Jack is not too well but I have no other news about him.
Hi Mike, thanks for the information about Tom, Mick (Davis) and I were both waiting to here about the funeral, but as Yvonne was still in hospital we were unsure how to find any more.
I do know the last time we saw Jack he seemed to be suffering from a form of muscular and memory problems, Tom and Yvonne used to look after him where possible, but just before Tom passed he totally lost touch with Jack and his family.
I must try and attend one of the reunions – I have a few photos sent to me from the previous ones, trouble is it is quite a way for me as they seem to be mostly in Walthamstow. I always here about them from Mick. I remember Semhi.
PS I worked at Staffa Road then Wanstead, I left just after Rumbelows take over and Joined the Met as a Comms Officer for 27 years
Sorry to hear that Jack is not very well, would have liked to have met him again, he was the first of the Stanwood service staff i had to answer to when i joined in about 1968.
Hello Mike,
I also attended Tom’s service. Unfortunately the passing years has changed our good looks. Following |Tom’s passing I visited Yvonne weekly, at the private care home in Brentwood, until sadly she passed away. Now they are together again, that was Yvonne’s wishes.
I wonder if anybody has any knowledge of the whereabouts of two members of Staffa Road branch, one is David Wayne (nee Wakefield) Radio Technician, he was also a singer, and Cliff White who was manager, I did see Dave some years ago when a mutual friend passed and we met at the funeral, all I know is that Dave moved somewhere in the Midlands and became a school teacher.
Thanks, Norman
Anyone remember a football match Stanwoods had between a couple of teams made up of staff that worked there. Think we played somewhere around Dagenham. It was cold and wet so most ended up in the pub at half time and that was the end of the match. Be about 1970/71. Great place to work and great people. Used to meet up on a friday night at The Bridge House (called something else now.) Had a good gathering from a few of the local Stanwoods. Hornchurch,Romford, Elm Park, Dagenhams 2 shops,Gidea Park, Cranham and others. Did you work there 1970-72?
Hi Dave,
I worked at the Hornchurch branch around that time.
I remember several engineers and managers etc.
Laury Lay,Tom Crane (sadly passed), Dave Sims, Dennis Skelton,Gordon (Crunchy), Albert on loan from Australia came along to learn about UK PAL-D colour tv !
Really great times learnt a lot from the experience then I went on to run my own business but at 70 now retired and messing about with IT technology and amateur radio.
In all my years in the business there was always a special thing about the days spent working at the Hornchurch branch.
Take care,
Howard King
Hi Howard,
When was Arthur Spink manager of Hornchurch. workshop ?
Hi Howard. Did you have a collection of albums by “Yes.” ? Its strange the things that come to memory. Also a guy in the shop was I think called Tony Gardiner. I was mostly at Gidea Park with Graham Anderson.
Hi Dave,
No I did not have that collection.
Although later on in life I ran the disco at the local YMCA in Romford.
Then went onto to run a mobile disco around the Essex area.
The time I spent at Hornchurch was in the workshop at the back of the shop a great team of guys worked there.
I learnt a lot whilst working there especially from Dennis Skelton (not sure if he is still around) he was a great engineer always willing to spend time on helping me.
He always made sure we filled in the service cards correctly once the jobs had been completed !
Great times …………
Hi all. Has anyone any news on Jack Hale. The last that I heard was that he was suffering from Ill health but that news is quite old.
Does anyone remember the address of the Wanstead location when it was Rumbelow’s?
Hello, the address for the service dept was:
Rumbelow Ltd, Service Dept
Voluntary Place
London E.11
Sadly, the building was demolished many years ago shortly after Rumbelows sold it and the site is now occupied by houses. I’m not sure if “Ted’s” little grocery shop is still next door and the British Queen Pub across the road may have also gone.
The address was;
Rumbelows Ltd, Service Dept,
Voluntary Place,
London E.11
Sadly, the building was demolished shortly after Rumbelows sold it and the site is now occupied by houses. I don’t think “Ted’s” grocery shop is still next door, nor do I believe that the British Queen Pub is still there.
Wow, I didn’t think the first reply had worked.
Message for Dave White if youre still on here.
Dave do you know what happened to Mr Hicks who used to be head of the Southgate tech radio & Tv servicing dept during the 60’s. I recall your family knew him?
I know who must have passed on by now but his name and what happened to him crops up in my head from time to time!
Hi, This is one that Mick Davis may remember.
We were working late in the Rumbelows workshop in Wanstead and we had decided to make a ‘jingle’ to on the Anserphone. We worked on this for about 2 hours in the Audio Room trying to get the timing right. The Jingle started with the “Rent a set from Rumbelows music and faded out to this:
“This is Rumbelows service division,
Is something wrong with your television?
‘Cos if your telly is feeling queer,
we’ll send you out an engineer.
On hearing the tone, leave your name and address,
And a technician will come ’round to sort out the mess”
The Rent a set music then faded back up for the final 3 seconds.
We had a lot of great comments about it and even the Regional office to hear of the message. Sadly, when the answerphone was made redundant so was the jingle. Tom Crane and Jack Hale liked it too.
I do remember when we used to lock up of a night and the ‘grave’ in the middle of the workshop, we used to rib and try to scare each other – 22:00 overtime
I have just found this site on Stanwwod Radio after talking to my grandson about my first job after leaving Norlington Secondary Modern School in Leyton (London’s East end) he told me to google the name and see what happens. So I did and here I am. I joined Stanwood Radio in 1955 when I was 15 year old very shy boy, we were in those days and was interviewed by Bunny Wood (BG), a very big man compared to me. I plucked up the courage to asked him if I could become an apprentice TV engineer in the workshop that was behind Muskam House just up the road at 715 Leyton High Rd (not there any more) on the opposite side of the triple fronted retail shop at 666-670 High Rd Leyton. He told me that the apprenticeships were full up but if I joined as a shop boy for a year he promised me he would have a word with his brother Ken (KP) and I could go into the workshop.
At the time I joined I can only recall two other retail shops one in Hoe St and the original starting shop which was a cycle shop down the other end of the Leyton High Rd number 126 if I recall which was run by another brother Cecil Woods. The shop I worked in as a shop boy also had Bunny’s (BG’s) upstairs flat where he and his wife lived and also the finance dept (Muskam Finance) where Mr Stan Wood and Mr Len Wood worked. The shop had a thriving record sales dept run by a lady called Ruby as well as a counter to take in rental payments most TV’s in those days were rented or on Hire purchase. My Father lived in Leyton High Rd and went to school with Bunny and played snooker with him under railway arches in Midland Rd, He told me that Bunny and his brothers pooled there demobilisation money together and started the retail TV and domestic appliance goods in half of their fathers or brothers cycle shop, at I think 126 Leyton High Rd.
My duties as a shop boy were first and most important making the tea, up to 6 to 7 times a day, but as I did not drink tea or had ever made it before I was instructed by Ruby the head record sales and counter lady and I soon became an expert in the art, although I still do not like the stuff. My many other duties were to sweep the side entrance and the shop including cellars scrub and polish the shop window display floors as well shop floors. Polish all the TV and Radiogram cabinets which were very large in those days, I liked BG and found him to be a very jolly friendly man although I did see him blow his top sometimes, he didn’t suffer fools gladly. I remember coming back to work one dinner time and hearing my name being called from an Austin Healey sports car which belonged to his son Gerald apparently he had borrowed the car to go to the bank and because it was so low he couldn’t get out of it and asked me to help him, his language was quite blue for a young innocent shop boy so with my help pulling him horizontal along the curb stones and him laying in the gutter, he was a big man I struggled to get him on his feet, he was still cursing the car as we walked back to the shop brushing himself down vowing never to use that dam car again. I also used to polish his big Jaguar car and would sit in it pretending to drive it. He was also a heavy smoker as were a lot of people in those days he would often ask me to pop along to Morrey’s the tobacconist just up the road and buy tins of one hundred cigarettes, he would then puff away sprinkling ash all over my lovingly polished radiograms, I didn’t mind though, it kept me busy.
I noticed that all the staff had great respected him for what he was, a self made down to earth businessman who kept his word. I liked him a lot, his brothers Ken and Len were a bit more aloof. Stan was a real gentleman and would often have time to me, the lowly shop boy.
I eventually got my apprenticeship in the workshop after some delay, apparently I was a good shop boy and BG wanted me to stay, but with Ruby’s help and BG’s promise I went over to the workshop as an apprentice. The workshop as you entered from the rear of the building had about five or six work bays where the apprentices worked with an engineer and a parts store at the far end where the clocking in clock was located. The staff I recall there were Arthur Spinks the Senior Engineer and Joe Gallo the workshop manager who repaired all the large radiograms and would play the record of Revells Bolero all the time at full blast, he would also repair the lethal mains transformer driven EHT system TV’s and would show us apprentices how dangerous they were by drawing an arc of the final anode terminal burning the end tip of the screwdriver. I studied at East Ham Technical College on Evening Classes and Day Release which Mr KP Wood reluctantly agreed to I served out my apprenticeship with City & Guilds, Ordinary and later Higher National Certificates and worked at the Wanstead workshop, names I can recall are Ron Withey (Manager) he was not liked but I suppose some manager are not always popular, Len Waters, Dick Skelton who was very old and lived in the flat or house with his wife at the side of the workshop the finance dept was also at the front of the building run by Mr Len Wood. I also worked at Staffa Rd for a couple of weeks to help out and also at the Barking workshop in Longbridge Rd other names I remember were Roger Bush, Peter Johnson, Dereck Mosey, Gordon Ingate we all did a colour TV coarse using the NTSC system using a 3 gun thick neck round faced colour TV tube at Dagenham College of technology.
I realised that the TV servicing profession which when I had started was valves and discrete components and were a delight and challenge to work on was now becoming printed circuits boards that you just replaced rather than repaired, it became boring so I left the profession in 1970 to enter the world of research with the GPO as it was then known, now BT at their Research Station at Dollis Hill and then Martlesham Heath in Ipswich Suffolk and I enjoyed the new challenges of designing and building high precision analogue and digital test equipment for Submarine and Land coaxial and optical fibre cables until I retired in 1992.
I still have fond memories of good old Stanwood Radio Ltd and the beginning of the mass TV world using Mullard and Masda valves, what happy days they were.
If anyone is in contact with Peter Faulkes i would really appreciate it if you could mention my name to him, i would love to make contact with him.
Hello Peter,
Just located this page and seen your request, try this;
Many moons ago Peter and I were at the Stratford branch with Bob and Ivy Nickles.
Best wishes Joe.
Hello all, my brother Robert found this on ebay a few days ago. Not bad for £7, I was wondering how much they sold for originally.
I put a new battery in my Stanwood Radio, it crackles a bit but still works. I have had an identical one to yours and listened to Caroline on it. I had a white one which was faulty and my mum returned it to the Elm Park shop. They only had the peachy coloured one. As I recall they were £3 19s 11d at the time around 1964. I often wondered how mum could afford it as she was on national assistance and could barely afford the rent. I tried posting a picture but it doesn’t want to play ball.
I might be asking the impossible , but does anyone know where i could get rid of my old TV & VCR Newnes circuit books. i can’t bring myself to just dispose of them.
Hi Peter, There is a web site for a TV museum ( . It has an email address of a chap who runs it, it is possible that he might be interested in them.
I worked as “Saturday staff” at the Epping branch in about 1964. Having been there for some months I was asked to move over to debt collecting. Stayed there for a couple of years. Very good insight into the Great British Public when in debt.Great company to work for.
To all former Stanwoods and Rumbelows staff – keep safe and stay well.
Thanks for the info Mike. Hope you keep well through these strange times.
Hi, some sad news, I just had a message from Graham Howes Daughter saying he had passed away on Saturday 11th April 2020, after being ill, not sure if was the virus, Graham worked at Wanstead workshop then as a paramedic, I think he was 71 when he passed.
I must admit we did have some really good times at the workshop.
An update about Graham, he unfortunately passed due to cancer which spread to his spine.
Very sad news. I only met him once as I was at Wanstead after he left but he very well thought of but the staff there. R.I.P Graham.
Anyone Remember Bunny a lovely girl who ran the Record Dept downstairs in the Romford shop ?
This is really for admin, I have about 59 pictures of Stanwoods, some old, some of Wanstead workshop, some of Tom Crane on a boat and elsewhere, some of the two old polishers/sprayers also at Wanstead, some I don’t know and a few in Tom’s garden including Jack Hale, I have labelled one with Stephen Smith, Keith Clements, Michael Davis and myself.
I file is a rar file just over 71Mb – I can out it in my Dropbox folder and send you the link if you would like these, also will need the site where to send, a lot of theses were sent to me by Tom a couple of years before he passed and the others I took.
Thanks for the site, it is nice to be able to look back.
Hello Norman, yes please! You can send me a link to the Dropbox folder if thats ok, my email address is
Many thanks,
Ric Wood
Hi Richard, have sent the link, hope it works ok
High Ron, I just tried to send you the link on Dropbox for the pictures, but I received a non delivery message ‘address not found’
Could you check for me
Hello again Norman. I have just seen your post about the photos. Please would you send ne link to them, my email is I am still in regular contact with Paul Coupland.
anyone remember Bunny Weedle who ran the Record Dept ( Romford ) in 1964 ?
good afternoon i used to work for stanwood in 1967 i started at the shop at leytonstone high road near the green man pub then sent to high road leyton near the underground station finished in hoe st walthamstow i think the manager was called geoff stanley he lived near gallows corner romford i did enjoy my self as a driver and installer for all the diffrent shops nice to read all the old tales i now live in suffolk since 1977 any way all stay safe all the best tony newbon
So good to read all the input.
Please contact me if you think I can contribute to our “yesterday’s”.
Best wishes.
Hi, I just come across this page after finding a receipt in my loft from the Stanwood store, 715 High Road, Leyton from 1966. If anyone collect things like this from the shop let me know and I can send you a pic or send the item. it probably no use but rather then throwing it away I thought it may interest someone 🙂
Happy to send on to anyone that might want this free of charge.
Hello Martyn, thank you for the offer. Please do send me a photo and I’ll post it in the gallery. You can email it to
Many thanks,
I have enjoyed reading all the contributions from various members of staff. I am cheating slightly, I was married to Ron Withey who managed the workshop in Wanstead. Ron died several years ago, by which time I had moved on to Norfolk. I used to go to school with Buny’s daughter Doreen. She was a marvellous tap dancer and knew how to work the stage. Best wishes to all of you.
Hello, i’ve just seen your post and recall that Ron was supervising when i was working at the Saffron Walden branch, he used to call every two weeks or so.
I remember that he was a stickler for the rules.
He was at one time based at Saffron Walden for a few months and enjoyed some hands on repair work . During that time i got to know him well, i left Stanwuuds and never saw Ron again. Very sorry to hear he has passed.
It is with sadness that I’m making this posting.
Sadly on the 26th November Eddy Croucher passed away.
Dorothy, his beloved wife kindly gave me the details of Eddy’s career. ‘ Eddy had happy memories of Stanwoods. Staffa Road was, I think, where he started his apprenticeship in the ‘50s. He was 83 when he passed away on 26th November and still had fond memories of Stanwoods. His funeral is on 21st December, next week, at Southend Crematorium at 10.40, and I’m praying the weather will improve’.
Unfortunately I will be unable to attend but, I’m certain many of us who knew Eddy will have him and his family in our thoughts.
R.I.P Eddy.
I have just seen the message about Eddie. I am so rry to hear of his death. I worked with him at Wanstead a few times and he was great help to me. God bless you Eddie.
Not sure if anyone checks this out anymore.
Just wondered if anyone remembers my Dad Larry Billingham, he used to be a driver for Stanwoods in Staffa Road, Leyton. Not sure exacts dates but most probably mid to late 1960’s to early 1970’s. He used to have to drive up to Suffolk/Norfolk regularly.
He is no longer with us but he met my Mum whilst filling up for petrol in a Stanwood Van down Lea Bridge Road so quite a significant bit of history for our family.
Hello all,we purchased the Palmers Green branch of Stanwood Radio way back and have been looking for any information/photographs of that store,just as a history really,when we took it over it still had the neon sign above the door.It does look very similar to a couple of the photos in the archive,but im not 100% sure.Any information would be great
regareds Dan.
Infact it actually looks like the front of shop picture above,at the top of this page,
regards dan.
Is Dave White still on here?
I have just seen the message about Eddie. I am so rry to hear of his death. I worked with him at Wanstead a few times and he was great help to me. God bless you Eddie.
Hello. I have just come across this. My grandparents were Margaret and Stan Wood from Woodford Wells. My father who sadly died last year was their son John Wood. Wonderful to see all these photos of the Wood brothers together including my grandfather Stan. Would love to see more photos. Rebecca Warnock ( Wood)
So sorry to hear of Eddy crouchers passing .He was a great man to work with ,he taught me a lot when I was an apprentice there at staffa rd ,nothing was to much bother for him when i ask him about any question to do with the work we done. I live no more than 2miles from him now .I always said to my wife I must pay him a visit ,but I never did get round to it,I wish i did now . REST IN PEACE EDDY AND THANKS FOR ALL YOUR HELP.
My Nan and Grandad worked at Stanwoods, i believe on Ilford High Road, Denis and May Gaff. i also recall my dad working there for a bit, Peter Hoy, he went on to Car Sales. Sadly, all have now passed away.
To Paul Cranham, I remember your dad John, we worked together at Bishops Stortford in the 70s