One thought on “21-08-2008 09;51;45

  1. Arrgh, I’m top left, my name is Peter Lee, I was a bench engineer at the Wanstead workshop. I joined in 1970 and left in 1972, I must have been 19 in the picture above and I would bet it was taken at “The Talk of the Town” in London during a Christmas doo. It was a doo to be remembered although the hangovers should be forgotten. I have a lot to thank Stanwoods for, it was good training and stood me in good stead for later life. At times it was hard work for not a lot of pay. Cant put name to many faces but top right was John Mc?? (it’ll come back in a minute). Bottom row second from the left was Robin Yasomis (bench engineer) (probably have the spelling wrong) and second from the right was Tommy Crane the branch manager.

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