Arrgh, I’m top left, my name is Peter Lee, I was a bench engineer at the Wanstead workshop. I joined in 1970 and left in 1972, I must have been 19 in the picture above and I would bet it was taken at “The Talk of the Town” in London during a Christmas doo. It was a doo to be remembered although the hangovers should be forgotten. I have a lot to thank Stanwoods for, it was good training and stood me in good stead for later life. At times it was hard work for not a lot of pay. Cant put name to many faces but top right was John Mc?? (it’ll come back in a minute). Bottom row second from the left was Robin Yasomis (bench engineer) (probably have the spelling wrong) and second from the right was Tommy Crane the branch manager.
Arrgh, I’m top left, my name is Peter Lee, I was a bench engineer at the Wanstead workshop. I joined in 1970 and left in 1972, I must have been 19 in the picture above and I would bet it was taken at “The Talk of the Town” in London during a Christmas doo. It was a doo to be remembered although the hangovers should be forgotten. I have a lot to thank Stanwoods for, it was good training and stood me in good stead for later life. At times it was hard work for not a lot of pay. Cant put name to many faces but top right was John Mc?? (it’ll come back in a minute). Bottom row second from the left was Robin Yasomis (bench engineer) (probably have the spelling wrong) and second from the right was Tommy Crane the branch manager.